Everyday I need to create jpeg copies of my working Photoshop files to send out for review. A script that saves me a lot of mouse clicks is SaveasJpeg. Run this script and a jpeg copy with the same file name is saved in the same folder as the Photoshop file, without any dialog boxes popping up. If you make a change to the photoshop file the script will replace the old jpeg file, again without needless dialog boxes.
Download and uncompressed the file SaveasJpeg.zip. Put the script SaveasJpeg.jsx in the Photoshop/Presets/Scripts folder, then you can assign a shortcut key to its location in the File/Scripts menu. Two other similar scripts come along with it; SaveasTiff.jsx which does what the name says, and DialogSaveasJpeg.jsx which asks for a file name and location but then skips other dialog boxes.
I found this script online some years ago and haven't been able to relocate the origin to give proper credit, send me a note if you know. Using this one as a guide I created the other two, I hope you find them useful.